Jason and I have a history with Texas. We just can't seem to stay away. Both of us have flip-flopped between Kansas and Texas for many years, and after starting our married life in Lawrence, we are now returning to Texas, together, for the first time!
We knew that our assignment with the Navigators at KU would be 3 or 4 years, and this will be the end of our 4th year. Last year we began to pray, seek counsel, and explore where our next assignment would be. A few years ago we learned of an opportunity to serve on a more ethnically diverse campus in San Antonio, and last year it was still a need and a national high priority. The more we learned of the opportunity, the more our excitement grew. In December of last year, after many discussions and a visit before Thanksgiving, we felt confident that this is where we should go.
I lived in San Antonio for four years before Jason and I were married, and during my last year there I lived literally across the street from the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), the campus where we will be serving. We are excited about this new phase of life and ministry together! We recently sent out a newsletter with more details (click to enlarge):

We will head to Florida to lead our Summer Training Program mid-May and will return to Kansas in the beginning of August. Our plans are flexible, but we would like to buy a house in San Antonio near the campus and then move in the fall.
We have a lot of transition and family shuffles this year, but I'm thankful that we get to be together for all of them. Elisabeth really enjoys new people, and she tends to have fun wherever we're at. We're thankful for her spirited and adventurous personality!
She is approaching 16 months, and is running around our apartment and starting to mimic what we say. Just tonight I was getting her ready for bed and putting on her sleepsack (a wearable blanket with feet for toddlers). I call it her "sleepy", and for the first time she said "see-pee" back to me. She saw how excited I was, so she kept saying "see-pee" and smiling. I love how every day is a new day of discovery and adventure with her. She has such a zest for life and learning that inspires me!
Below is a picture of her first sleepsack (without feet for infants), and this was in our dorm room at the Jacksonville Summer Training Program last summer. This picture is funny to us because you'll notice that she has only one arm in her pajamas. We thought it was quite comical that she weasled one arm out of her pajamas yet still had it through the sleepsack.
I'm beginning to feel "see-pee" myself, so I will say good night and sign off for now, but as always, we are thankful for your love and support of our family, and especially in the coming months as we walk through many transitions!
With love,
The Rosses