Monday, April 27, 2009

Eight more days!

We can hardly believe there are only eight more days until KU's "stop day" before finals! Where has this semester gone?!? As we head into this week, we are excited to begin preparing for the next school year. We are forming our new student leadership team, our Joshua Team, and these young men and women have a heart to serve God during their time in college. Joshua Team provides a way for them to receive formal training and opportunities to live out their faith among their peers. They are faithful leaders and servants, often serving in other areas of the ministry as well. Below is a picture of our "Spring Training" group--a group of new students who gather throughout the Spring semester to learn more about the ministry and the vision of the Navigators. Many of these students will go on to join our leadership team. The final Spring Training meeting was in our home a few weeks ago, and this was the largest group we've hosted for dinner yet! We get excited to see how many people we can fit in our living room! (This picture actually doesn't include our director's wife, Kori, who had to leave early, so technically we had one more...)

We may break the record tomorrow as we host our summer training program students in our home for our final meeting before making the 21-hour trek to Jacksonville in May. We may have mentioned this in our last newsletter, but we are heading to Jacksonville again this year to help lead the summer training program. We are excited at this opportunity as we know the area from last year. We are serving as Job Coordinators, as all 125 students will work full-time jobs while they are there. God has provided half of the positions so far, and please join us in prayer that the other half of the students will find jobs within the first week of arriving in Jacksonville! During these unstable economic times, it can be increasingly tough to trust God for a large task, but we saw Him provide over 100 jobs in just a few days last year. We look forward to reporting back with the results. Below are a few photos from our time in Florida last year. The first is a shot of the KU crew at our "Tacky Prom" social night (every Friday night there is a social event of some sort), and the bottom is a panoramic of the entire program (bonus points if you can spot us!)

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