Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Eight months and the end of summer

Elisabeth celebrated her eight month birthday on Sunday and has grown so much this past month! She is crawling (rapidly) all over the place and loves to chase her kitty all around. She would really love to pet her, but we have to explain that Annie is a "look don't touch" cat as she still has her claws and has been known to be a swiper in the past! Nevertheless, Annie provides lots of entertainment for Elisabeth and I think Elisabeth really likes being able to follow her around.

Elisabeth has quite the healthy appetite and has been doing great with new foods. This month we introduced bananas, carrots, oatmeal, peas, and applesauce. I bought her the Jongold variety of apples to make applesauce and they are so delicious! I'm usually indifferent towards apples but these are amazing! Her favorite food is still her cereal which she eats before bedtime.

Her eighth month included another wedding of former students as well as her first trip to the zoo. Her first animals to see were the lions (notice them in the picture below!) She also rode on Daddy's shoulders for the first time and sat in a baby swing at a playground--two big occasions in the life of a child!

The KU Fall semester begins a week from this Thursday and we have our student leader welcome back barbecue on Monday. The summer reading assignment for our leadership team was "The Cross Centered Life" by C.J. Mahaney, which is a mini but mighty book on how to keep the Gospel at the center of everything. I will most likely be re-reading the chapters many times!

Enjoy the remainder of your summer!

1 comment:

Kiki said...

Oh my gosh-- look at her holding up that sign!!! Such a big girl!!! :)