Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Forty Weeks and New Blog Site

Today is our due date and our sweet little one seems cozy for awhile longer. We are so excited to meet her! Above are the latest (and perhaps final) bump pictures taken over the weekend.

In March I began experimenting with a new blog site that was more user-friendly for posting from my phone, since I'm rarely on our laptop. (Hence, very infrequent blog posts!) I wanted a blog where I could post photos and videos easily from my phone, mainly to keep our long distance family up-to-date on the daily adventures of our family. Over the last few months I've posted nearly 60 entries on the new blog, so I've been incredibly happy with its ease of use. I won't be posting to this blog anymore, but we will keep it around in the event we find another use for it. For now, feel free to visit our new family blog on Tumblr at:

Monday, April 9, 2012


After a rough drought season for the state of Texas, we've been blessed by much winter and spring rain, enough to produce the beautiful array of bluebonnets, paintbrushes, and a colorful palette of other little flowers sprinkled across fields and along roadsides. A Texas springtime tradition is to take pictures in a field of bluebonnets, so I was determined to get pictures of Elisabeth in the flowers. Through some people we met in a park, we learned of a spot nearby which has good bluebonnet photo opportunities. The next week we went, somewhat spontaneously, and had a great time taking pictures. Elisabeth really wanted to pick them, so we tried to help her understand she could only have the flowers that were already on the ground. I haven't taken the time to actually look it up, but I've heard that it's technically against the law to pick bluebonnets, the state flower. Any fellow Texans know if this is true? Below are some of our shots from the first Ross bluebonnet adventure!

Not to be left out of the fun, here is our little bluebonnet bundle of joy, still growing strong and active as can be! She's still set to make her debut in about seven weeks! This is probably the worst maternity shirt to be wearing for belly pictures, but it was a spontaneous adventure so we just went with it. (-:

Jason and I talked about how taking these pictures reminded us of taking pictures with Elisabeth in 2010 in the sunflowers on a farm outside of Lawrence. It made us miss Lawrence and our Kansas friends and family! Here is one of our favorites from that beautiful Kansas day:

Happy Spring!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Bambina Bump

We are grateful and excited that our little girl is growing well! She turned 20 weeks a few weeks ago, which marks the halfway point until we get to meet her! We took a few baby bump pictures to document the halfway mark. She's been very active lately, much to my delight, and she's even been saying hello to her daddy at night before bed through some cute little kicks and jabs!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

It's A...

Elisabeth is going to have a baby sister around May 29th! I am so excited that she will have the opportunity to grow up with a sister. We had our big sonogram on Tuesday morning, and Elisabeth joined Jason and me as we watched and learned more about our sweet new baby. First and foremost, we are incredibly thankful that she is healthy and developing well. As the sonographer talked through what we were seeing on the screen, it was just amazing to marvel all over again at the intricacies of our bodies. She talked through the chambers of the heart, different vessels, the brain stem, her stomach, her was amazing to be able to see her organs in such detail.

We will have fun starting to plan for this little girl, and I'm excited to bring out all of Elisabeth's baby things to see what we can use. Elisabeth was born during one of the coldest winters in Kansas, and this little girl will be a South Texas summer baby, so she will get to have some of her own tiny little summer outfits. Fun fun!

We are grateful to God for this new blessing and addition to our family!

Elisabeth enjoyed holding her sign and posing for Daddy: