Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thankful for our newest blessing!

This Thanksgiving we thought it appropriate to announce one of the biggest blessings our family is thankful for~the joyous news that we are expecting a new baby next year!

Yep, Elisabeth is going to be a big sister!

This picture was taken when we shared the news with our families just before our move to San Antonio in September. Elisabeth talks about and prays for her baby brother or sister, and sometimes I think that she thinks she's getting one of each! (She's not). We'll have our big sonogram in January when we'll find out definitively, but for now it's fun to talk about both.

Our littlest baby is doing well so far! We have a tiny sonogram picture and have heard his/her heartbeat. The technology just continues to amaze me. What is most amazing to me though is the way God forms us. It's breath-taking if you stop and think about it. The other night I was reading in our pregnancy development book, and for where we're at right now (around Week 12), all the major systems are already developed, and we're not even one-third of they way there! Below is a link where the size of the developing baby is compared to every day items, like fruits and vegetables. We shared this link wih Elisabeth's pregnancy blog and thought it would be fun to post again. This week, little one is about the size of a lime. We should have limeades in his/her honor!

We love this little baby so much already and have such fun thinking about life with two little ones.

Happy Thanksgiving from the Rosses!


Carroll said...

Congratulations!! What wonderful news on a special Thanksgiving! :)

Jones Family said...

Congratulations Ross Family!! So exciting!!